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Endless summer, headcolds from hell and IronMan2

Something is amiss in the universe this year. Today, well into fall, is supposed to reach 89 degrees. 89 degrees, people. Really?

Bonuses of extended summers refusing to turn over into the next season thereby prompting wardrobe shifts as well? Getting to wear fun summer stuff for just a little bit longer...For example, I'm wearing my new favorite summer dress. With high heeled sandals. Hell yeah. That's not a bad thing, no siree.

Also, my pedi from last week is holding up very very well So showing off toesies in sandals is fun.

But the weather, well it's about to change. How do I know this? The Balloon Fiesta starts this weekend. While La Nina and other scientifically supported weather effects are in existence, we all know that when it's time for those hot air balloons all hell breaks loose from a weather standpoint. Rain. Wind. Cold. Eclipses. You name it. It's never pretty. So endless summer is sure to shift, anon.

Anyway, where was I? Oh, the headcold part. Seriously, whoever invented this gem of a super simple but highly damned annoying virus had a twisted sense of humor. Mucous can take so many disgusting forms, and the cold showcases most of them. Ugh. And that ridiculous. Holy god.


Is it wrong of me to say that Robert Downey Jr. is just smokin' hot in the Iron Man movies? And his wiseass, egotistical, narcissistic remarks are just sexy as all getout? Well, he is. And they are. And Pepper Pots? Adorable in a kind of way. She rocks. And the music is fun. Fun. ACDC. Yeah baby.

And tonight? Grey's Anatomy. And since I'm not watching Private Practice anymore due to a serious and terminal apathy for the show, I may try to squeeze in an episode from the latest True Blood disk from season 2 that just arrived....

Thursdays. Gotta love 'em.

Oh, and it hasn't escaped my notice that I seem to cuss a lot when I'm sick. (shut up everyone who knows me all the time and is fully aware of my faulty filters...). And I seem to have fixated on the endless sentence with the endless descriptions separated by '.'....I'm just going with it.


  1. I have been griping about endless summer because it is a serious impossibility for me to get dressed looking like fall while it remains so warm. I should've just embraced it like you are.

    I so want to see the balloon festival! In pictures it always looks so spectacular!

    Also, if you have the same cold that's been going around here, it is the mucous-producing cold of eternity. Grim, exhausting, snotful, dreadful.

  2. It has been hot hot hot...but last night, thank goodness, it rained..a cool, lovely, long, high desert rain that washed the dust and heat away and left us refreshed and cool and so comfortable at last!

    The cold..ick. Daughter ended up needing antibiotics after hers (it was a Rhode Island virus that refused to leave her body). Fortunately, mine is resolving less dramatically.

    The fiesta, is amazing. The morning sky, filled with balloons as the worker bees make their way downtown to work...leaves us with a sense of awe. A night glow is even more amazing..they look like ornaments against the night sky, and walking on the field among 800 balloons is amazing. You guys should plan a trip out -- you'd love it! Fall in New Mexico is lovely!


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