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Showing posts from December, 2016

Glimpsing the light...

Next week I take my final National exam. It's a doozie, Herbs, and I am studying my ass off right now. Five down, one to go. A few months ago I couldn't envision this moment, but now it's upon me. That's life, isn't it? You steam along and make your way through whatever is ahead, then all of a sudden it is behind you, you've been birthed into a new challenge. Trying to take breaks. My colleagues who have recently run this same gauntlet say breaks make all the difference. As does believing in your ability to draw on the vast well of knowledge required to successfully complete the exams. So, study study study, yoga or some workout, study study, maybe a catnap, study study study. Rinse and repeat for the next week. Then? We'll see. If I pass, I'll b e dancing. If I don't, I'll be regrouping . Hugs, Stevie the (Exhausted) Student