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Cheesecake was great, thank you Joy of Cooking. And I may be getting too old for the run, which is vexing but not entirely unexpected.

So was the cherry sauce, made with both sweet and sour cherries from our trees. And my attitude about cooking to satisfy local requests calmed down before the ingredients were assembled for the cheesecake. Which is good, since I was being a little snippy.

Now it's Monday. Again. Or maybe still?

I had a couple of moments this weekend that are probably going to shift my workout routine yet again. After a relatively short but intense run on Saturday one of my knees protested, more loudly than usual, and kept on being unhappy the entire evening. And tender. And kind of unstable.

So I stretched and rubbed it and elevated it and babied it a bit, but knew inside that this recent increase in mileage might catch up with me in this or a similar way.

And it has. Which cranks me out, because I truly love to run. I love it.

But I also really like the prospect of being mobile into my late 80's or beyond, and that means maybe if I take good care of myself/limbs/joints now I'll enjoy that more than if I insist on pounding the daylights out of my joints several times a week.

Hubby was watching all of this, and said, 'Listen, I'm not your coach. I'm speaking as your husband, who wants you to live a pain free but fit existence. Your body is talking to you, and it's going to insist that you listen. Every time you go for a run your back or your knees have been protesting, for awhile now. The sooner your start listening, the happier your body will be. '

Yesterday I walked. And this morning I rousted myself, ate a quick breakfast, threw on my shorts and tee shirt and hat, and walked. And I think I'm going to do that from now on. Which means my new super high-end running shoes will become the world's most expensive walking shoes. Grrrr....

I think stair work will be a part of my overall routine, as well, with maybe two of those a week, as well as yoga. I think yoga is going to become an even bigger part now, with some Power Yoga thrown in to keep the muscles working.

Wish me luck. I do love to run, but I don't love to hurt, so it's time to shift my perspective. But I don't change quickly or easily, and expect a little frustration from time to time as I adjust.


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