No Strings Attached, our Wednesday movie du jour, illustrates this so well, and with such a beautiful cast, that I just had to comment.
Have you ever noticed how, looking back, you realize how much of your life you've navigated fearing one outcome or another?
Or reacting to prior experiences and allowing them to cloud the possibility of a new, positive one that would most likely eclipse the bad one and put it to rest for good, where it really belongs?
I have. And I like to think that our journey here is about recognizing, then slowly, oh so slowly because how scary it is to consider giving up something as familiar and comfortable as the fear that has guided us for so very long, letting go of it.
One stomach clench at a time.
And realizing, on the other side of that release is something so much better, so much deeper and richer and lovelier and absolutely frightening in its own right, but infinitely more satisfying.
It's worth the work, this reward of varying forms, but honestly, the drama just getting there is astonishing.
Have you ever noticed how, looking back, you realize how much of your life you've navigated fearing one outcome or another?
Or reacting to prior experiences and allowing them to cloud the possibility of a new, positive one that would most likely eclipse the bad one and put it to rest for good, where it really belongs?
I have. And I like to think that our journey here is about recognizing, then slowly, oh so slowly because how scary it is to consider giving up something as familiar and comfortable as the fear that has guided us for so very long, letting go of it.
One stomach clench at a time.
And realizing, on the other side of that release is something so much better, so much deeper and richer and lovelier and absolutely frightening in its own right, but infinitely more satisfying.
It's worth the work, this reward of varying forms, but honestly, the drama just getting there is astonishing.
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