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So the whole Paleo thing works better than I'd thought

For me, suddenly not doing something I've been doing religiously can be the best way to appreciate how well that thing I had been doing, but am currently not doing for whatever reason, has been working.

Case in point? The Primal/Paleo diet.

In recent weeks I've been busy, stressed, lazy, hungry, cranky, stressed, and feeling like I'm barely hanging on by a thread most days. I've begun to look at that trend of mostly negative stuff to identify factors I can control, because seriously, who wants to be a cranky butt so much of the time?

In all fairness to my life, I have complicated it beyond reason, so any deviation from a solid routine can throw things off in a hurry. Lately, there have been several things that have qualified - daughter's surgery; hubby's backpacking trip; school deadlines; and natural hormone fluctuation that has begun to intensify, and which may require much more focus to manage in the months to come.

So the stuff that has arrived, unplanned, I need to write off as 'life happens' stuff and be done with it. After all, it is what it is, and we roll with unexpected things.

The hormone thing, because of its seemingly random fluctuations, tends to catch me off guard more often than not, which is annoying, but something tells me I need to get used to it and, again, roll with the punches (and use treatments and herbs, if appropriate, to moderate the symptoms).

Back to the diet.

When life throws the above-mentioned curve balls, sometimes I deviate from the Primal/Paleo food choices, and I think I need to stop doing that. When I was adhering more to the recommended foods, I was less cranky, more energetic, slightly leaner, and feeling like I had a pretty good handle on my energy/nutrition.

Right now? Not so much.

So, I began this morning with Greek yoghurt, mixed in a little diced banana, some blueberries, and sprinkled it with cinnamon and sliced almonds. Accompanied it with a cup of coffee to which I'd added 2 tsp. of organic cane sugar, but no milk. Just now I had a small handful of raw almonds to help get me through til lunch, which I'm planning to be heavy protein/veggie profile, no bread.

Bottom line is it's hard to do it all. To focus on school, ensure that whole thing goes well and continues as it needs to for the duration. To focus on work and attempt to balance that and be productive and helpful there. To think of food and avoiding the stuff that usually wraps the foods I should be eating...and essentially accepting that eating the Primal way really requires having a fork around at all times, cuz no wrapper=messy options.

But the life balance formula in which I depend upon performing at full capacity 95% of the time requires I do what I can.

So Primal it is.


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