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Movies Marathons Rock

I love movies. If you've read this blog very long you know that you'll occasionally be faced with my brand of review, which is non-traditional and based on true reaction. As it should be, right?

Anyway, we've seen some really good movies lately, most notably Searching for Sugarman and Silver Linings Playbook.

Searching for Sugarman is wonderful! It's...inspiring, and makes me want to be a less materialistic, more socially conscious person. In a non-preachy way. Rodriguez, the subject of this film, manages to live two lives, in effect - that of the inspired '70's musician, and that of the hard laborer supporting his family in the absence of commercial success. He manages, in spite of the life he lives (in Detroit, no less), to raise his daughters with an enormous emphasis on culture and focus on the need for spirituality. He is a gentle man, a cultured man, and he raises his family in that light.

It's amazing, the soundtrack is great, and the story is touching on many levels. I highly recommend this one!

Silver Linings Playbook is also really good! The angst of the main characters mixed with an earthy, Philly-based humor performed by a great moving. The personal journeys we witness are intense and worthwhile and messy and a joy to behold.

The belief in the human capacity for healing and positive change shines through in subtle conversations and notable acts of kindness and profound personal epiphanies.

Another great one, and definitely worth seeing if you like Bradley Cooper, Robert DeNiro, are familiar with OCD or depression, or have ever felt adrift in life...which pretty much includes everyone at some point, yes?



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