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Hello there 48

And where on earth did 35-47 go???

But I'm being overly dramatic. Again.

See, four dozen? Not such a bad place to be when you're me.

I've done a lot, I've seen a lot, I've raised a family and landed airplanes and docked yachts and landed (then released of course!) a marlin and climbed mountains and run a LOT of miles and loved deeply and long and hard and much that, surprisingly did not kill me..that I feel stronger and more centered and energized than in a long time.

And I'm blessed with more than one person can ever rightly expect in one lifetime.

And I now possess the wisdom to observe a nanosecond longer than I would have 20 years ago before jumping headlong into a new adventure. Which means many less mistakes but still the desire to stretch and grow and be better and more open and generally less judgemental and overall more accepting and mostly, mostly, knowing that this gift of life is precious and special and mine to experience any way that I choose.

And I choose to experience with open arms, a sense of humor and a joy of which I was incapable even five years ago.

So bring on the cake and too many candles. I'm ready.


  1. Happy birthday! I wish you a year filled with travel, laughter and joy. Celebrate this weekend!

  2. HK - Thank you so much! Plan to...:-)


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