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Can we unscrew the pooch this time?

I don't have to elaborate on the fine mess we've made of our economy, or how the protracted effort by the Tea Party has distracted from so many of our greater concerns and created an opportunity for them to grandstand and make noise and add insult to injury when what we really need is collaboration.

Collaboration.  Not a difficult concept to grasp, but certainly untenable when agenda driven assholes with conservative foci and a desire to destroy rather than create manage to continually burn resources that could and should be spent fixing. Fixing what has broken, rebuilding and generally redefining a new economic reality moving forward NOT belaboring old points and pointing endless fingers and refusing to assume any responsibility in the finanicial shitstorm that has ensued over the last few months and culminated in an S&P downgrade of our creditworthiness as a country and divided a house already in danger of permanent polarity.

Really, Tea Party? You think by flexing your power this way you're paving the way for future opportunity?

I don't think so. You've managed to contribute to a disaster of proportions we've never experienced and if you have the bad form to gloat, you deserve the special place in that very hot place you sanctimonious cretins are all going to when you finally leave this mortal plane.

If you were children, you would deserve to be sent to your rooms to think about, really think about, your actions and how you could have actually helped a fragile situation improve instead of adding fuel to divisive fires.

Shame on you. And God (whichever one you believe in) help us all.


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