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St. Pat's, our annual celebration for no real reason

We are not Irish. Per my Grandma Gin during a recent conversation, I have a wee bit of the Irish in me, but not much. Not enough to wholeheartedly celebrate on behalf of the Emerald Isle, really.

But we do.

For fifteen years now, we have.

What began as a foray into a simple corned beef and cabbage dinner lo those many moons ago has morphed into an annual event that has continued to grow in size with each year. And, as we did the first year, we always end up watching Irish dance...Riverdance or Lord of the Dance, and my Hubby's not so secret crushes, Celtic Women. I swear, if he ever leaves me, it's going to be for a sweet-tempered Irish singer. I just know it.

Our friends gently mock this corned beef/Irish DVD  tradition, but we get 100% invitee/attendee turnout, so mock they may, but attend they do.

The menu typically looks like:

Corned beef, sliced, then glazed and finished under the broiler

Boiled new potatoes

Cabbage wedges, also boiled


Irish whiskey

Green wine (chardonnay with food color if people wish, and, shockingly, people tend to wish more often than not)

Brownies (brought by dear JG, the Brownie Goddess)

Sundry delicious additional contributions from friends who have through the history of this event brought everything from chocolate chip coconut cookies to bundt cakes to seven layered dips to shortbread cookies. 

We've pared the invite list down a bit this year, but it's still significant, and as we've called to invite folks they're all, 'We were just thinking about this..wondering if you guys were doing this again!', and other reactions.

So, it's on. And this year mostly because Daughter will get to visit with almost everyone at once, which is good since she's only back for a few more days.

Between now and Saturday, the event day, preparations will be underway. Paintings will be hung upon walls still bare from recent texture/paint, knick knacks will be replaced on mantle and various surfaces, and order will be restored.

May you all, Irish or not, enjoy a warm and peaceful and joyful St. Patty's!


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