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A bitch named Sandy

This bitch is on her way to my girl

Since Daughter moved to the East coast for college, she's been in the path of two hurricanes. Irene was the first, and she and her team were held over two days in North Carolina  as that storm blew itself out over the Northeast.

This time, this time she's in RI, and Sandy is headed directly for them.

They're not allowed to leave their dorm rooms after 1 p.m. Eastern, today, due to high winds.

They've stocked up on non-perishables and water, and are expecting widespread power outages.

The first of the worst is supposed to hit later this evening and continue into tomorrow. Duration is hard to predict given the Canadian cold front that is joining up with this tropical beast and feeding the frenzy. It's a hybrid storm, kind of a hurricane weds a n'oreaster.

Nobody knows for sure just how bad it's going to be, but everyone is sure it's a doozie.

I can certainly attest to that. Being here, so far away, and just hoping for the best?



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