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Shit that drives me crazy

I tried to think of a clever title for this post but I can't. I'm simply out of clever for the week, I think.

So what drives me trying to be environmentally responsible, and trying to to eat right, and trying to learn about and replace personal care products that contain parabens. Just parabens right now, though as soon as I'm done cleaning house and getting paraben-free products they're sure to come up with something else that gives us cancer, mimics estrogen in our bodies, and/or is responsible for the deforestation of our precious Amazon. Or all of those.

Please don't mistake this for a whine, because it's not that at all. Nor do I feel virtuous when I toss a plastic container into the recycling bin; it's my responsibility to do that, and I get it.

What I'm talking about is learning more and more about what we as a society have decided to add to our foods, our lotions and potions, etc., and wondering what the hell we're thinking?

How can we possibly think that by taking a shortcut in terms of using cheap preservatives vs less toxic, but slightly pricier ingredients to do the trick we're actually saving when in fact we're slow killing our consumers.

I know, I've gotten myself all worked up over what amounts to rampant capitalism and price sensitive consumers (who got that way because they're afraid for their jobs or something real and ugly not just because they're cheap for a hobby, I mean really, who does that?).

Nobody has endless resources, I know this. So why don't we as a society do more to address toxicity issues and come up with solutions that are scalable, economically viable, and in the end, don't kill our consumers.

Wouldn't that be cool?


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