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I didn't mean to go completely overboard, really I didn't

The whole Primal Body, Primal Mind thing? Well, it's cool.

I started out with an 'ok, I'll kinda try this and see how I feel' approach, and am steadily adopting more and more of the eating habits.

G.G. has been uber supportive, though he's admitted he probably won't be going all out Primal because he does love his carbs, and eschewing them completely doesn't feel right to him right now.

But our meals are now reflecting the approach more, and an awareness has been born that can only continue to flourish as positive results warrant.

Things I've noticed:

I'm sleeping better.

My energy levels seem to be more even.

My emotions are more level, too, which is never a bad thing.

I'm not craving carbs. Seriously not, which is the biggest surprise to me. I haven't yet wanted to veer into a grocery store parking lot, purchase the biggest bag of chips that I can find and have a carb orgy in my car. I just haven't.

I've realized that food should make you feel good - while you're eating it and later as well. When I eat yoghurt now, it's full fat Greek style with some cinnamon stirred in and maybe topped with sliced almonds or with blueberries stirred in. And it is de.lish. Fats satisfy....not in excess, but whole milk in my coffee? Wonderful!

So, that is where I am on the Primal thing. I'll continue to report over time on energy levels, my weird food solutions, and so on.

Now about the trip.

REI is having their Fall sale, and G.G. urged me to go out and look to see if anything cool popped out. It did...I found an awesome down jacket for the trip and beyond! I'm thinking our time in Providence, Paris, and Kansas City will be frigid indeed, so having a nice down jacket (that weighs l lb. 6 oz and can be easily stuffed/stowed into my suitcase side pocket) will keep the chill away.

My trip and beyond goose down jacket

This should go with all the long sleeve tees I recently snagged from a blowout sale at Ann Taylor Loft. :-) And the jeans that I always wear everywhere I go....

Update: I just found this cool scarf to go with my new coat! Woot! I thought long and hard about this purchase because I still have some fun pashminas that my friend JL found for us when we were freezing to death while in Chicago on business a couple of years back, but in the end, the new scarf seemed per.fect for with the new coat! (And I'll probably take at least one of the pashminas with me too..)
Isn't this per.fect?

G.G. ordered some pouches that we'll wear around our necks and tuck into our which our documents will be safeguarded.  I'm pretty sure Parisian thieves would rather slip a purse off a shoulder than deal with a chick with a pouch stuffed in her coat.

After all, who wants to get slapped and then kneed in the 'nads on a cold winter day in the streets of Paris? That would suck pretty badly, even if thievery is your gig.


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