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Spectacles, collapsing domes and, ugh, college finals

May I just say what a PITA the whole wearing/adjusting to contacts thing is? They're not uncomfortable at all. They're very comfortable, but my brain is taking its everloving time adjusting to the whole monovision thing. Seriously. So nothing is in real focus, everything is kinda sorta in focus. I'm getting a little tired of that but am assured it's temporary.

Also, being visually challenged is expensivo.

Thank goodness for vision insurance and a cafeteria plan reimbursement at Hubby's work, or this would be a full on holiday bummer of a cash drain.

But, last night I ordered some very cool glasses that will act as backups to my contacts. Same prescrip, with a progressive lens (which means I'm just plain old and my eyes aren't as flexible as they used to be which makes me want to do eye yoga or stand on my head to encourage said flexibility..). That'll 'take a little while to get used to.'

My new glasses...not quite black, and simple design....

Right. My brain is currently attempting to rewire itself so I can sort of see to do regular things like work, drive, function in my day to day environ without running into, injuring, or generally annoying the people in my life. Add more 'adjustment' to that with the progressive lenses and we might have a minor brain mutiny on our hands, is all I'm saying.


Did you happen to see the debacle that was the collapsing Minnestoa Vikings dome on Sunday?? Holy crap! And did you happen to see the smug look on the owner's face last night during the game (which was played in Detroit) as he looked up at the pristine domage over his head? It was kind of like, 'I've been telling those idiots for a long time now that we need a new stadium, but noooooo, they wouldn't take me seriously. What about now? Huh? Are we ready to draw up some plans now??'

He may not have actually been thinking those thoughts, but I thought that's what was going on, so I'm rolling with it.

Finals. Well, they suck. Daughter is pushing through, and will be fine, this we know. But in the present moment when the pressure is on, her brain is filled with facts and formulas and dates and theories and other collegy stuff, it's sucking.

But next week she comes home. And relaxes. And nests like a little coed on break should.

Fortunately she has a young, flexible brain that just gets stronger with use.


  1. Those are nice! I hope you love them. I'm quite sure the whole glasses thing is a huge racket. How much can it cost to manufacture those pieces of plastic? And yet I love glasses. I am excited to get some new ones next year. When I was in my teens I wore contacts, but I don't know if I'll wear them again. I much prefer glasses. But it helps that I'm farsighted, so I can go for a run without them.

  2. Oh, it's a racket, but we've all bought in. The cool thing is Hubby picked them out. He met me there and was browsing and said, 'What do you think of these, they're kind of nice and they match your hair.' They turned out to fit the best and look the best, too.

    Regarding contacts, I went for a run in mine last weekend, and was astounded and what I actually saw along the way. Yikes...the world does indeed have edges.


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