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Quality control = canceling my order?


Thank you for your most cordial notification this week that you'd employed quality control processes in your organization, processes that revealed a less than perfect product, and which resulted in your canceling an order. Mine. It would have been nice if you could have notified me when you actually canceled it, instead of a whole week later. I'm just sayin'...

If it had been about me ordering yet another kitchen gadget or household item or even personal clothing and this had happened, I'd be ok with it. I'm flexible that way.

In principle I am ok with what you did, but because you decided to do what you did, my son is not getting the one thing he actually asked for for Xmas this year on Christmas.

Fortunately, my husband is a champion shopper and just happened to be out and about and found a most amazing replacement today. Which means our son may get it by New Years. May. [crossed fingers]

See, SmartBargains, the person we purchased the item for lives in Abu Dhabi. That's an international shipment. Which takes longer than you'd think.

And no, I do NOT want an additional 20% off of any more of your crap because (and you didn't actually put a frownie emoticon in the email you sent me but I'm pretty sure you would have if you could have gotten away with it) I'm currently pissed at you and have zero faith in your ability to ship your cheap shtuff at ALL.

Another thing. Please remove me from your spastic email list. I'm totally over getting no less than three great offers a day from you guys. I tried to unsubscribe,  but, contrary to best practices you don't seem to have a way for mere mortals to do that from emails we receive from you. You gave me the option of converting to receiving texts from you instead. Right! ROTFLMAO! I most certainly do NOT want you texting me incessantly. If you can't manage your email volumes, I'm sure you're completely out of control with your text practices.


One Pissed Off Mama


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