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Remodeling - the lighter side

So many decisions go into a remodel. Fortunately we made many of them last summer when we decided to remodel the Master Bath first, but buy enough stuff for both baths so when we saved up enough to do the second bath we'd have matching tile and toilet and fixtures and stuff.

But the Master doesn't have a tub, and the hall bath does. And we're currently remodeling the hall bath.

It's a well known fact that my Hubby puts up with quite a lot of shenanigans from his bride, and usually does so with aplomb and grace. This time he actually initiated said shenanigans (after much thought and I suspect a shot of tequila with my brotherinlaw).

I love baths. Love them. They represent all that is relaxing and well and nurturing and calming and warm and soothing in the world (ok not all but a lot) to me. They're a place to go with a lovely beverage (read martini or glass of wine) and a book and just 'be.' For awhile. Often quite awhile, involving draining cold water and replacing it with hot. Resulting in wrinkly toes but a much relaxed body.

So, Hubby broached replacing the tub with a claw footed beauty. You need to know I have always always always wanted a claw footed tub to soak in. They're wonderful, perfectly shaped, and reminiscent of an era when bathing was a priority and enjoying it was a given. Standard tubs today fail to respect the art of bathing, and simply uphold their obligation to take a bathroom from a 3/4 bath to a full bath in some homes.

But I digress. Again.

I was floored when Hubby brought it up. He knew the numerous debates that would likely follow, and yet he put the option on the table anyway. He deserves kudos for this.

Suppressing my glee at the potential of replacing the current POS tub with a soaker wasn't easy. I may have ruptured something deep inside, but I didn't want to ruin the moment.

We went shopping. And found this one. (sorry about the was my phone camera, and also this was the day when the jackhammering occurred in my living room and we didn't have any water so I had minimal exposure to the cleansing benefits of water and was looking a tad..rugged, though my toes, which unfortunately you can't see, look fabulous...)

In the end we looked at this one and a Jacuzzi tub, but opted to refinish the existing cast iron tub for reasons I won't bore you with but that include needing a full wrap shower curtain for a claw tub that would have dwarfed our small hall bath and looked ridiculous and the cheesy look of the front of the Jacuzzi tub and potential for breakdown which would eventually render it simply another bathtub, just one with six jets and a filter.

I'm really not sure what it is about a woman in a bathtub, but a gentlemen walked by while Hubby was taking the picture and said, "Hey, do you come with that?"

What a loser.

You should only proposition a woman in a tub if she's invited you in, right?

He must not know the rules.


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