Yesterday they picked up the CPM machine. That bad boy worked many hours to keep Daughter's knee bending at ever increasing angles during the first days of her recovery.
This morning the cryo/compression device went back. Of the two machines, this one was definitely her favorite as it helped minimize inflammation, provided cooling comfort and generally soothed the knee while it began its healing.
The brace is the one piece of hardware remaining, and that has a week or so left in our house.
Today, today is the first PT session. I predict an evening where Daughter is pleased to be on the path, and sore as we'd expect her to be after the initial therapy.
Milestones. Baby milestones, but milestones nonetheless.
This morning the cryo/compression device went back. Of the two machines, this one was definitely her favorite as it helped minimize inflammation, provided cooling comfort and generally soothed the knee while it began its healing.
The brace is the one piece of hardware remaining, and that has a week or so left in our house.
Today, today is the first PT session. I predict an evening where Daughter is pleased to be on the path, and sore as we'd expect her to be after the initial therapy.
Milestones. Baby milestones, but milestones nonetheless.
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