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4 men, a spotlight and a shovel, or Why I should have been a plumber

Saturday afternoon.

The mail comes, Hubby grabs it from the box, and, for some reason unknown to any of us, he opens the water bill then instead of when he pays bills at the end of the month. Water bills tend to be the same within each season, after all.

Unless they're TWICE what they one before was.

Which this one was.

Really? WHY?????

Well, 18,000 gallons more usage than the prior month. 18,000. That's a whole lotta water.

Leaking somewhere.

Many profanities escaped our mouths before we took several deep breaths and collected our wits.

Which meant calling a leak detection service.

On a Saturday. Which meant overtime. Or a premium. Or whatever they call it. But a LOT.

A really nice man wearing a logo'd shirt and thermals and carrying a modern day divining rod found the leak.

Fortunately, it was outside the house..but right outside Daughter's bedroom. And it was deep. 4 feet or so.

Turns out the water main broke. And leaked. And leaked some more.

At the end of the saga, the pipe was fixed by a very cordial crew. Cordial considering it was Saturday evening by then, cold as all getout, and they were digging up mud. Lots of mud.

$1280+ later they packed up and headed out.

We were relieved to have it fixed,  pissed at the timing, and mostly wondering why now? Why right now when everything else is piling up and accumulating and we're trying to survive the holidays and enjoy the holidays and save for upcoming graduations and travel and parties and college and graduations and all that.


And no, it wasn't covered by our homeowner's insurance that we've been paying on for over 19 years.  And the adjuster was snotty, which didn't help.

The good news? Son is headed home for the holidays tomorrow night (hopefully avoiding the snow storm that is socking in over the city right now) and there will be plenty of clean water for everyone to drink and wash their faces and shower and brush their teeth with.

So we've got that going for us.


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