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About words

Words, how they're chosen, used, emphasized, ordered, weighted, applied....mean everything.

Well chosen words help clarify communication to the extent that it can be adequately interpreted.

Poorly chosen words ensure a much longer, often circuitous path to clarity, often with corrections and alternate words added to the process to achieve the desired end result.

Some writers just get it. They know how to judiciously employ economy and strategy and order and placement. Their writing often has a symmetry and a clean feel, and leaves us with vivid imagery and emotional descriptions that provide a view into deeper meaning without belaboring how we should feel. We are encouraged to come to our own conclusions without excess description.

Some writers overcompensate. They tend to go on and on an on while making a point, to the extent, at times, that once you get to the point you're exhausted from the journey.

The art of writing is something I've spent a lifetime studying and practicing. Some efforts are clean and clear, some not so much.  For me, it's the practice, the exercise and joy of writing, that provide an outlet for my considerable artistic energy that lacks training in painting or wood working or ceramics. I also love to cook, which provides another outlet, and serves a practical purpose as well, so that works out on a more frequent basis than my forays into literary endeavors.

Words, well shaped, well chosen...they're akin to puzzle pieces in the infinitely complex puzzle that sparks imagination, weaves a story, leads a reader to engage in the process.

And they're fun. There is nothing like getting it just right, finding the exact word for the purpose at hand.

Hugs and  random musings, 



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