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Hello from the other side

It is done. I am practicing, and every single day I wake up and smile, wondering what new challenges will come my way. Because every single day, a new challenge presents itself. Tough cases, practice considerations, long and short term goal development, all represent constant challenges to every aspect of my being.

I am a doctor now, in charge of supporting wellness and healing.

I am a businesswoman, in charge of planning and growing a healthy, thriving practice.

I am a Mom, still, and realize that though my offspring have long flown the nest, they will always need their mother, and I am always on standby should a moment arise where I can support or guide or simply listen to my babies.

I am a wife, of almost 30 years now, and that role has evolved once more into a closer partnership, this time with the rigors of grad school replaced with the reality of practicing Oriental Medicine in a modern world.

Each day I thank the universe for inspiring me to pursue my heart's dream to study, then practice medicine. I thank the universe for bringing me a mate who possesses all of the calm and foresight and wisdom and support that I sometimes lack.  I thank the universe for bringing me two amazing children, now sages in their own right, who continue to amaze and astound me with their pursuits, their successes, their growing wisdom, and their endless support and love.

I am blessed, and I am thankful.

Huge hugs,



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