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This was a weekend of visiting. We hosted a dinner for visiting family from California, then attended a dinner at which a visiting Mama from Germany was the guest of honor. The weekend was mellow and the weather was lovely, and the the entire thing passed far too quickly, as they tend to do.

One conversation with a friend revolved around why we do what we do, and what seems to be our tipping point from contemplating a change to actually acting on it. (This woman is remarkable, and has ascended in corporate ranks within the health care community with astonishing speed and great success, and she is familiar with striving well beyond expected levels to pursue goals.)

She looked pointedly at me when this came up, and she said, 'Well, what did it for you? What process did you undergo that catalyzed a life changing series of decisions about going to grad school and reinventing yourself midlife?'

I thought about it for a moment, before I responded. 'My decision to study medicine wasn't random, and it certainly wasn't about change for the sake of change. In my case, I had longed to pursue the healing arts since I was in high school, but my choices in life made that pursuit unrealistic for many years. Eventually, a series of soul searching exercises designed to identify and either embrace or jettison old dreams revealed to me that not only was the dream to study medicine still alive and well, the thought of letting it go once and for all made me nauseous and feel like doing so would prevent me from realizing my heart's desire. I just knew I had to do this in order to reach whatever potential I have, and once I gave voice to the dream all doors opened so that I was able to do so.'

My friend simply looked at me and said, 'So what you're saying is you didn't just do this because grad school felt like the next step to further your career. What you're saying is doing this will allow you to pursue what you've always wanted/needed to do?'

Pretty much. I guess you know something is for you when you realize NOT doing it would eat away a part of your soul and change you forever.




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