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I'm a carnivore, Dottie.

A few months back I played with adopting the Mediterranean Diet. In principle, it seemed like a really good choice. I am, after all, half of that region of the world, and felt like maybe I needed to expand my horizons while reducing my animal product intake.

Huuuuuuge personal mistake. (I know, Dr. G, but I am what I am.)

In the time I opted for chickpeas and legumes as primary protein sources I noticed a need for much more on my plate or in my bowl to satisfy my nutritional needs. I didn't mind that, and just increased what I ate. Lots and lots of veggies, etc., but I was always hedging what felt like a sugar crash, and given my history with that, I didn't like it.

I felt bloaty most of the time.

I felt less sharp, a little more on edge, and spent what I deemed to be way too much time thinking about my next meal.

I had terrible PMS. Terrible. I won't elaborate, but really who wants to worsen that little monthly nugget? Not me...

I gained almost 10 pounds, pounds that I did NOT want or need.

I stuck it out for a few months. I kept varying my combinations of foods, worked at convincing myself I was really satisfied with this approach, in fact tried to feel proud of my efforts. But my energy wasn't super high, so mustering self congratulation seldom materialized.

After thinking it through, then deciding I didn't want to think so damned much about what goes into my every meal, I fired the Mediterranean approach and rehired the Paleo/Primal way of eating.

It's been two weeks now, and I'm still adapting. My big challenges lie around textures, and seeking new and interesting ways to find in chip crisp, and how to eat some things that don't require a fork, since bread is off the table.

I'm reviewing my recipes, and moving back into the Paleo groove.

Not 100% compliant yet, and probably never will be. I was usually about 85-90% compliant, and didn't beat myself up over the occasional foray into desserts or enjoying pizza - key word occasional. But the conscious decision to head back in this direction with food has been a good choice for me.

My energy is already improving.

My brain feels clearer.

My daughter laughed when I told her what I was doing. She said, 'Mom, I really don't know why you ever changed what you were doing. You looked and felt great while you were cavemanning it, and when something works, veering off that course makes NO sense, but whatever. Maybe what you needed was contrast to appreciate just how well the whole Paleo thing was going?"

Maybe I did.

Big hugs,



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