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I am being micromanaged by my furry companions

I grew up in a house with cats. We had boy cats and girl cats, silly cats, funny cats, serious cats, shy cats, and occasionally the mentally challenged cat because let's face it, all cats aren't Mensa level. Ahem.

Anyway, their dynamics were always fun to watch, and their companionship was always just part of life.

Our new kitties, Miss Liza and Mr. Jarvis, are the coolest pair of cats I've ever encountered, and they bring us great joy and many chuckles because their antics are endless and their personalities continue to develop in cool ways as they mature.

Liza is the instigator of the two, the brains of the operation. She likes to shred things with her little teeth. She shreds the newspaper, anything paper that's left out and she happens to notice, small rubber soccer balls, wadded up notebook paper (that I throw for her while I'm studying), you name it..she loves shredding stuff. Her killer instinct is well-honed, and it never ceases to amaze me when I find random little piles of shreds around the house.  She has to set the rules for touch, and will jump up and insists on having her head rubbed, and will settle into my lap for a nap, but resists being picked up and moved around. She hates that, and I have scars to prove it. She is intensely affectionate, but on her terms.

Jarvis is the enforcer. He's big and strong and beautiful, and is a true lovebug. He will crawl up onto my lap, put his paws on my chest and lean in..he loves to be hugged and snuggled and rubbed and crooned to. He likes to be picked up and held, he loves napping with me, and he sleeps by my pillow when I'm gone. He is also the manager of the two in terms of how the humans are being trained to take care of them.  He oversees my filling of their food and water bowls. He monitors my maintenance of the litter boxes.  He follows me from task to task, and is never more than a foot away from me as I am performing my duties. I must be doing ok, because he's not lodged any kitty protests yet, which is a good thing.

They both oversee the daily making of the bed, and the weekly changing of the sheets. There is much pouncing and bouncing and hiding and then finally petting and 'high fiving' as we complete yet another bed making session. It's funny and fun, and a little ridiculous, and I realize that they have filled a void in me that I didn't even realize existed.

But my kids did, and they fixed it.  Score one for the babies, yes?


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