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I'm brain dead right now.

I've just spent the last two weeks requesting, reviewing, and winnowing PR proposals for a big project at work.

When I'm done, and that should be soon, we'll have a PR firm promoting the hell out of one of our offerings, and life, well, will be busier than it has been and hopefully fun as well since schmoozing with the media will be on the agenda. My agenda.

It turns out, I'm an extrovert. And I love to converse with people. A lot. Which may explain why I'm in communications.

Actually, I've always liked to converse, but finally found a way to use my school/training/propensity for bullshitting in my career. Good day, that was, when I actually started to be compensated for having a big mouth.

But today, I'm fried.

I've been pitched by two sophisticated NYC firms. They're energetic. They're focused. They're driven. They're desperate for business because when times get tough the PR folks are the first to be hacked out of budgets.

My day? Well it went something like this:
  • Arrive at office, review proposal from first firm prior to pitch.
  • Get pitched.
  • Review pitch with PR colleague.
  • Put out several small brushfires in the marketing department.
  • Start several bonfires just because it's Friday and people seem to be taking themselves way too seriously.
  • Snarf a salad.
  • Review proposal from second firm prior to pitch.
  • Get pitched by second firm.
  • Review second pitch with PR colleague. Get some good gossip about why second firm may be better fit that the first.
  • Plan next steps for next pitches next week and final selection strategy.
  • Put out bonfires (which weren't really bad, just amusing) that I started earlier to entertain the people who were taking themselves way too seriously.
  • Rub my neck. It's tight, and I have a headache.
  • Plan my next steps for next week in addition to reviewing/being pitched/reviewing final pitch/making final decision.
  • Squeeze not one not two but three droppers full of some cool fruity antioxidant stuff I got at the last trade show we attended into my water. Hoping for instant energy boost, mental clarity and better skin, which, if the label is to be believed will all happen, and soon.
  • Write blog post while ingesting said mixture.
  • Post.
  • Remove purse from desk, turn off lights, exit the building.

Have a great weekend, everyone!


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