Ekhart Tolle speaks of stillness, the importance of finding it, of cultivating it, of appreciating it, and of enjoying the amazing transformations that occur while in a still state. When I think of some of the biggest epiphanies of my life, they've all come about during meditative, still moments. Within those moments we are free to just be..to just observe and allow the essence of who we are bubble up into our consciousness. The monkeys are quiet, there, and the incessant white noise of to do lists and constant 'shoulds' are absent. It took awhile to get to a still place. I remember my early days of meditating and actually getting frustrated because I felt, for so long, like I was skimming the quiet space, just skirting the beneficial pause that stillness offers up. I now realize the pursuit of stillness is as beneficial as the state of stillness. By seeking stillness we create space in which stillness may reside. By pursuing a quieter mind, we learn ways to paci...