As I age, as I continue to move through this lovely and crazy life, I realize that knowing oneself is the most challenging of all feats. We are born in ourselves, and from that point on depart from the known into everyone else's version of reality. We spend our childhoods developing simple skills, then teen years surviving our hormones, then young adult years moving through whatever awaits us after secondary school. Some of us go on to college. Some of us work, do things other people think we should do, then eventually give up on our dreams. Some of us do that, then decide 'Fuck that', and do what we need to do anyway. Some of us bloom early. Some of us bloom later. Some of us remain buds (in the floral sense) for our entire lives. For those that manage to bloom, wowza. For those that remain buds, all is not lost. There will be a time when blooming will happen. Some of us are blessed with enormous amounts of energy that help us power through. Some of us are ...