A few months back I played with adopting the Mediterranean Diet. In principle, it seemed like a really good choice. I am, after all, half of that region of the world, and felt like maybe I needed to expand my horizons while reducing my animal product intake. Huuuuuuge personal mistake. (I know, Dr. G, but I am what I am.) In the time I opted for chickpeas and legumes as primary protein sources I noticed a need for much more on my plate or in my bowl to satisfy my nutritional needs. I didn't mind that, and just increased what I ate. Lots and lots of veggies, etc., but I was always hedging what felt like a sugar crash, and given my history with that, I didn't like it. I felt bloaty most of the time. I felt less sharp, a little more on edge, and spent what I deemed to be way too much time thinking about my next meal. I had terrible PMS. Terrible. I won't elaborate, but really who wants to worsen that little monthly nugget? Not me... I gained almost 10 pounds, pou...