There comes a time in every semester when it's time to deliver. There are papers and presentations, prep for finals, registration for next clinic, then next semester, etc. It all seems to happen in a period of two weeks, and the pressure is palpable. This week so far I've attended a mandatory clinic competency training session, prepared for and taken an Herbs quiz, completed and presented a Nutrition paper on the Mediterranean Diet (which is super cool if you haven't already learned about it! has tons of info for inquiring minds), reviewed my schedule for next term, chosen three possible clinic slots (we do a lottery that gets super ugly super fast as clinic slots fill up and schedules get wonky), begun and am now prepared to complete a paper for Clinical Counseling due tomorrow (complete with presentation...) on Bipolar Disorder. Oh, and I cranked out an article, posted said article (and tailored social media posts as well) for one of my clients. N...