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Showing posts from March, 2019

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Inspiration comes from strange places. For example, tonight I was retreating to the bedroom to avoid March Madness folding laundry, and I decided to listen to some music for inspiration. Cuz laundry, well, you know, it's the same ol' thing over and over and I need to be stimulated to complete a task. I know. But it's true. Anyhoo, I found my old Sansa clip...full of music I loaded years ago. And it still had a teeny little charge. Which I used up folding laundry, and then I found the charger cable ( weird, it was in the same place I found the Sansa....obsessive much???) and plugged it in. My point here? When I first began this blog oh so many years ago, I remember writing a post about my laundry folding/Sansa music listening. 476 posts later, I find myself repeating a pattern. I danced. I swayed. I sang. I folded with joy and style. I caught my reflection in the full length mirror in our bedroom and noticed my pedicure, then admired it. Gotta love Black Cherry...