It's finally here, the final stretch to graduation. How will that change my daily life? I will not be commuting to Santa Fe four days a week. Total time spent each week in the car, 12 hours. That number can be bigger if there is a wreck, which there, sadly, often is. I will not be worried about random points being taken off of projects for reasons defying logic. I will not be avoiding the constant drama that seems to surround the students with whom I attend Oriental Medical school. There is insanity at the highest levels which filters down into the lives of students, who really just want to study the medicine and not be charged for every.single.little thing, at a premium. I will not be second guessing myself on a daily basis in terms of how I look at, practice and honor this medicine. (I will always want to be the very best practitioner I can, so I will hold myself to the highest standards, which involves constant review of decisions...but not second guessing.) I will...