One of the benefits of getting older is developing the ability to have a teeny little bit of perspective on things. Sometimes, anyway. When we have a ridiculously hard day, perhaps one filled with perceived affronts by others, or just difficult circumstances surrounding every.single.possible.thing you try to accomplish that day, being able to, at the end of it, take a breath and realize it's just a day can help. This is simply one among many, and it alone won't set the tone for life as a whole. It's just a day. So shitty days happen, and we learn to roll with them, not stress too much about them, and to shake them off. Sometimes there are longer periods of either drudgery or interminable can fill in the blanks here, but it can be work or school or some complex personal situation that vexes and causes one to fret and fume and otherwise NOT be calm and centered and balanced at any given time. Even these periods of angst are just part of a greater whole....