Euphemisms play a role in life, particularly if you're dealing with the human body, with foibles of its own. Case in point? Our human body of note of late, my daughter's. Specific part, her knee. Yep, the bad one. Yep, the one she 'tweaked' several weeks back. 'Tweak' in this case means 'broke off a dime sized piece of cartilage that's now free floating in the knee and causing no end of pain, swelling, general angst..but it's hard to say for sure because it's cartilage and doesn't really show up well on an MRI.' The really nasty part about this, though, is the REASON for the cartilage breaking off. See, the ACL, the one they ALREADY REPLACED not quite three years ago...has stretched. Which is bad if you're an ACL is your sole job in life is to support my daughter's knee so she can play the game she loves loves loves and finish college while she's at it. Because if you're stretched, and you're that ACL? You let unn...