Have you ever yearned to have a simple saga to share? A straightforward story? A black and white blurt out? Me too, but it seldom happens. Why? I don't know. Maybe because as we get older there is less black and white and much more gray. Or because sometimes life throws ridiculously complex scenarios at us and expects us to figure them the hell out. Take, for example, my daughter's knee. If you've been reading this blog for very long you're fully aware of how that whole thing went down. And the emotions, physical effort, pain, love, dedication and genuine human fortitude that went into bringing that girl back. And I'm not even talking about what SHE had to do! That was just her support group. Anyway, it's always been difficult. The whole blown then replaced ACL thing can be tricky, particularly when you're a college athlete and place unbelievable amounts of stress on that joint on a daily basis as part of your sport. And when your body builds scar...