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On ever changing minds, er continually examining options

Bamboo floors? Not gonna happen now. Picture lots of deep conversations about warmth and noise and such, followed by opting for an equally cool but very different option.

Carpet. Lambswool is the color, and I think it will look fabulous in our casa.

It's going in son's bedroom, the hallway...and now the living room and dining room.

Not kidding here. How we shifted from bamboo in one part of the house to carpet in more parts is kind of a mystery but has to do with 'while you're already upside down and at it anyway....'

Oh, and we retextured the walls..ourselves. Contractor came back with a very strange and large quote which made us rock back on our heels and say what the fuck are you trying to pull here dude? reconsider our plan.

My body, today, is feeling beat up, but we did it. The walls look cool, and will look even cooler once we paint next weekend.

And hubby installed the new kitchen sink faucet which is awesome! For all the reasons we thought it would be. And more. Love it.

As gratifying as ceaseless home improvement is, I have no immediate plans to quit my cushy day job in which I'm simply required to steer the marketing with creativity, innovation and passion at every turn for a small tech startup which equates to constant challenges and endless stress. Failure is not an option.

So that should tell you something. I am not a wimp, I'm simply not strong enough to do manual labor for a living.

My hat is off to anyone who does.


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