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Embracing low tech

It's contract renewal time with our cell phone provider, and the conversations leading up to final decisions have been ridiculous.

There's always the gadget talk..which phone to get, who says which ones are good/bad/reliable/cheesy, etc.

Daughter wants an iPhone. Of course. So, we've got that going for us.

Hubby can't decide what he wants, but he thinks he wants something easier to text on than the phone he's been using which is a nice 'regular' cell phone.

I want another BlackBerry. I don't want an iPhone for many reasons, including that I use my phone primarily to stay in touch when I'm on the road/out and about. Which is often. So I email a lot. I text a lot. But I'm not one who likes apps all that much, or syncs up with an iPod (don't have fact I have a little Sensa MP3 player that's just fine for my needs, minimal buzzers and bells but delivers good music which is what I want), or impresses my friends.

Most of my colleagues sport iPhones. They're geeky techies and gadget heads. They've teased me mercilessly for years about my low tech approach to life. Minimal tech, actually. I appreciate it, but I'm not a gadget girl.

So anyway, I'll be getting my BlackBerry Bold in March. Because Daughter's phone died, which necessitated a decision, which resulted in my being absolutely sure the BlackBerry was what I wanted.

She'll be getting her iPhone, I'll get my BlackBerry that she's been using for a bit, and Hubby, well, we'll see what he decides.


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