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Practical glamour

This week, well, is gonna be a humdinger.


1. Trade show. In Vegas.

2. Road trip for fam, but not me because, see #1.

3. Planning

4. Packing

5. Work deliverables. Really. In a week of a trade show. Right? 

And, true to form, my Inner Goddess decides to run the fashion show so instead of being satisfied with black capris and my logo polos at the show? I'm going to wear grownup clothes. And hopefully feel like a grownup. With maybe a little style.

Outfits for show include:

1. Little black dress, metallic black and gold reptile (distressed) leather sandals with medium heel, pounded gold jewelry.

2.Black and white sleeveless dress with a rounded neck and a form fit. Wearing emerald earrings with that. And cute but comfy low heeled black sandals. 

3. Chiffon-y soft toned sleeveless blouse (with a large rose print that looks surprisingly pretty) with scoopy neck, black capris, black platform Bass sandals and big silver loop earrings.

Other outfits to take include black denim mini, which can be worn with almost any blouse/shirt; Lucky Brand jeans (daughter picked them out and they fit like a glove...); several very lightweight tank style blouses with ruffly tops so they look semi-dressy, or at least festive; one pair of super comfy Teva sandals so just in case other shoes that are supposed to be comfy turn out not to be, or, as is our way, we decide to hoof it across Vegas to some restaurant someone found that's 'really not that far from the hotel' but turns out to be at least ten miles, a trek we'll undertake because we're stubborn and we use mind over matter to convince ourselves we're really not going to simply evaporate because of the ovenlike heat nor will we expire from sheer dehydration during said trek.

Fortunately we cab back. Turns out we get smarter late at night. Thank goodness smart kicks in at some point, right?

So there you have it. Me trying to have style. In a city I would rather never ever visit again in my life. Especially in the summertime.

Oh, and included in my Vegas coping kit?

1. Lavendar linen spray.

2. Favorite eye pillow.

3. Yoga DVD.

4. Beach reading.

5. Bath salts that my friend JL gave me. Umm.

6. Favorite body lotion.

There's more, I just can't think of it now. 'Cuz when you're in Vegas? You need an arsenal of coping paraphernalia. You can't just do 'simple', you've got to pull out all the stops.

But in Zen style.


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