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Soy squared and an afternoon from heaven

Today is salad for lunch day. Chinese Crunch salad w/tofu, from Flying Star.

The salad is delicious and, as salads go, filling but not full of the bad stuff like Ranch dressing and salty deli meats. So it's a lunch that makes me feel virtuous for an hour or so. Unless I eat all of the crunchy fried noodles they give you to sprinkle on top, but I seldom do that. Unless I'm really hungry and not caring about nutrition virtue right at that very moment, then I go ahead and crunch em down.
Today my crispy noodle virtue was untested, though, as they forgot to include said crunchies with our takeout salads.

So, I just realized the Chinese Crunch has both tofu cubes (on top), then soybeans tossed into the greens. Which makes is a soy squared salad, right? Or is that a 2soy salad?

The day, well, honestly, if I hadn't been toting my friend JL's salad too, I might have veered off in the direction of the nearest park, found a nice tree and camped out beneath it to eat this Chinese soy treat. Then maybe considered a nap...naps are, well, wonderful. Some naps are more wonderful than others.

Today, today is a nap day. And it would have been a wonderful nap, of this I'm certain.


Birds were singing. The sun is shining brightly. The wind is only breezy not blow your hat off and exfoliate you wind. For a change.

Hmm. By my accounting, then, I've done not one but two responsible things today. Got a good lunch. Came back in when I really wanted to be out.side.

I think I deserve some chocolate.


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