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Glorious weekends

My friend JL and I decided that this weekend was two days too short.

We're greedy, it turns out. For more..sunshine, yard time, relaxation time non-work time.

I looked at my To Do list..and accomplished many, but not all of the items I'd listed. But that's pretty typical for a To Do list. I feel ok about the weekend.

Got one run in. The new shoes rock. Love them.

Almost meditated once, but then my cell phone rang when Hubby called in to report on how the tax return had finalized. (It was good news, but then my mind kind of wandered so getting back to the centered place was harder than I'd anticipated so I gave up for then.)

Went shopping with Daughter, searched for the perfect shoes to go with Prom dress, but didn't find anything..but found some athletic wear on sale that we can use, so that was good..and had a good time just shopping and talking about whatever surfaced. It was nice..I love hanging out with her. I'm going to miss her, I just know it's going to be rough when she heads out.

Cleaned some, but didn't bake cookies. Which may be good because there's been a lot of candy around the house due to the Easter Bunny's recent visit, and a break from sweets would be good for waistlines.

Moved warm weather clothes into my closet; cold weather clothes into Son's closet. Actually jettisoned some items, an overdue act as I mentioned before.

Spent time on the patio enjoying how the yard is coming along. Hubby is planting and moving things around and generally tidying up the patio space and making things absolutely lovely out there. There's nothing nicer than spending a little time in the evening relaxing with the birds chirping, the smell of rosemary and fresh earth and cherry blossoms and apple blossoms and sundry organic odors drifting by. Makes ending a day of stress and frenzy a joy.

Watched a couple of movies. Again. Bull Durham (I know. I'm so retro, but I have to say it makes me chuckle and in spite of my having seen it at least 100 times, I still notice something new each time. AND, some of what I believe to be my best lines have come from it.) Under the Tuscan Sun. (Always makes me want to grow a pair and just write my book once and for all. Of course in my fantasy the book actually gets printed, and lots of people decide they like it, so I make enough money to relocate somewhere fabulous and low key and beautiful and much, much, slower paced than this rat race that constantly demands more..focus, energy, performance..just to survive. I'm tiring of the hamster wheel....what can I say?)

So, in all, the weekend was fabulous. But now I want another one.

Is that selfish of me?


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