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Things to love about Thursdays

Each day of the week holds significance.

Monday is all about getting back into the swing of things after cursing the alarm and dragging out of a very warm, comfortable bed.

Tuesday is about celebrating the fact that Monday is over, and actually attacking the monstrous To Do list that Monday's organizational frenzy produced.

Wednesday, well, it's about taking a breath in the middle of the chaos and knowing that at the end of the business day, the week will be more than half over. And continuing the momentum that finally occurred late Tuesday morning and must continue through late Friday.

Thursday. For me, Thursday is special. It's the day I treat myself to a chocolate steamer with an espresso shot from the Grove, a treat I savor all morning long, often accompanied by an apple somewhere around 10 a.m. I rewarm my drink around then, too, since it's not quite as piping hot as it should be to warm my core and preserve the deeply warm dark chocolate yumminess.

Tonight is also good TV night. Grey's Anatomy is on. It's my most recent addiction, picked up after Boston Legal went away. I've been trying to get into Private Practice, too, but am having a hard time with the super glitzy LA feel to's not quite hard boiled enough for me, I guess. They're trying to interject enough of the New Age look and feel to appeal to a broader audience, and I get that. I'm just not into it yet.

The routine is usually to do a rock paper scissors thing with Hubby for the big TV, and either snuggle up on the couch with Daughter or head into the back of the house to snuggle while we indulge our Grey's addiction once more.

(In all fairness, Hubby usually retreats to the back of the house to watch The Office and relinquishes the living room to his girls. He's like that, and though we seldom tell him, we appreciate that he does that.)

When I look back on my life, Thursdays have always been special for some reason. Maybe because I was born on a Thursday?

Friday's benefit is obvious. Surviving the day with aplomb means the prospect of a respite from the stimulating but exhausting work environ and a chance to catch up on the aspects of life that simply must wait while the grist mill is in motion.

It's the little things, isn't it? Always seems to work out that way.


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