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Greek Thursday

One of GG's friends is a musician, in fact he teaches it, and he's good. He plays the piano, often with a couple of other band people and they make nice jazzy music.

Tonight he's playing at Mykonos, our favorite neighborhood Greek restaurant. Their food is traditional and delicious. Their bar is full service, so if you're in the mood for a glass of wine or a killer martini, you're set.

I'm not sure what I'm in the mood for yet. But I'll know when I sit down.

We're meeting friends. A couple we've known for 26 years, and in fact who attended our wedding and whose wedding we attended and with whom we've raised our 4 children (collectively) and who feel much more like family than many family members to us. They're awesome. And a former colleague of GG's, who is funny and cool, and who lived in the Middle East with her ex, and with whom we share fun stories and who really convinced us to spend next Christmas at her timeshare in Mexico...because apparently if you're us, and the travel bug bites, you're goners.

But I've already shared this with you in my relaxed (long day and glass of Cabernet combined to make me windier than usual, if that's possible) Christmas post from Abu Dhabi.

A funny aside. The musician we're going to see is the original Oscar the Grouch. He's grumpy and funny in a dry and cynical way and single (two ugly divorces behind him, details of which he'll share with the least bit of prompting), and an incredibly gifted pianist. Go figure. He also has a heart of gold, in spite of his grumpiness, which I kind of like.

So tonight we eat Greek, listen to nice music, and relax with friends.

Until just this moment I didn't realize how much I've been looking forward to this. It's been a(nother) intense school/work week, and the prospect of just being...with these lovely people makes me smile.

Happy Thursday, friends!



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