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So, hello there.

It's been awhile.

I've mostly been in bed. Blowing my nose and NOT doing the otherwise sexy things that one does while in the throes of passion, which would be most awe.some, but while wrestling with the head cold from Hell. From Hell.

I had to repeat the Hell because, really.

So it's next week. Almost a week from the last time I wrote, and longer than I usually go, and for that I'm sorry. But I'm not dead, not even close. I'm on the better side of this ridiculous virus, and my strength and humor are beginning to return.

Not necessarily in that order, because honestly, how can you NOT laugh at the red nose, puffy eyes, general feeling of discombobulation that occurs with a head cold? If you don't laugh, my friends, you cry, and I'm not in the mood to cry about a cold.

What I am in the mood for, though, is the following, not necessarily in any order. This is a stream of consciousness list, which means importance isn't linear.

Chocolate. Deep, dark, preferably in the form of a layer cake.

This would do. Thank you :-)

Coffee. Dark, strong, preferably accompanying chocolate layer cake.

A dress to wear for G.G.'s and my anniversary dinner that does not make me look like a water buffalo.

I like this dress. But they didn't have it when I went in to find it. What was that all about?

A(nother) nap.

Peace on Earth.

Less mean people.

More cool, enlightened, kind people.

Deep wisdom into family. Mine. (those from whence I come not those to whom I belong now and not those that have come from my body)

Auburn hair. Long and wavy.

Hair like this. Thank you Jen Gardener and


To be willowy. Tall, slender, supple, willowy.  For some reason my curvy curves are wearing on me, and wow, to be tall and slender...

A hug from my children. I miss them terribly. Ridiculously. Madly. Miss them miss them miss them.

Dinner on the patio with JL. I totally miss her and would give almost anything to just hang out and laugh and philosophize and just 'be' us, the strange and cool friends that we've become, for just a few hours. Ok, more than that, but I'd settle...for the few hours thing.

That's pretty much where I'm at right now. Not a bad place, but clearly...a little needier than usual.


  1. I'm so glad you're feeling better and hope the items on your list become reality - especially the cake and hugs from your children as those seem to be the most rewarding :) I'll try to be a cool and enlightened person in the universe and not a meanie. Have a wonderful celebration on your anniversary!

  2. Hullo HK!

    Thanks so much! You're right about the really important's the hugs. Those, ah, well, I have to wait a bit for those but they'll happen. Most likely at Thanksgiving or maybe during the holidays but they'll come.

    That said, I found an amazing chocolate coconut macaroon when I was buying coffee beans at lunch that I had to have. And have subsequently inhaled, I mean, savored. :-) It's a good start...

    Be well, and thanks for visiting!


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