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Cloudy with a chance of meatballs

Week 1 is nearly over. We've weathered some days with distancing, have begun to understand what this is going to feel like, and must all process in our own way.

Risks I see at this point:

I may never ever believe an assuring word from our leaders about, well, anything, but mostly about the nature of a pathogen threatening our world and way of life. Ever again.

I may never want to wear jeans again. Yoga pants rule.

I may never want to wear makeup again. Or at least I may never wear as much as before, which wasn't a lot, but now....a hint of liner, some mascara - that's gonna be it. Done.

The first time I have to get up at 6 a.m. to my alarm, I may chuck my phone across the room.

Benefits I see at this point:

The obvious - we may be able to flatten the viral curve enough to prevent completely overwhelming our fragile health care system.

The flaws of our current system have been revealed in a glaring way, and now that the ugly cat is out of the bag, things are going to have to change.

People have begun to reach out in different ways, and to help others. Particularly encouraging, I think, is the young collecting and distributing food to those in isolation.

I have begun to embrace some stillness for the first time in my whole life. I am not happy about having to close our acupuncture clinic for three weeks just when we were getting some amazing momentum going, but it was the right choice, and I am trying to breathe more, and be much more grateful for life's simple pleasures than I have been in quite some time.

I hope you all find yourselves safe and warm, and that you are taking the time for self care and meditation during this strange phase of our history.

Now, I really do believe meatballs are on tonight's menu, maybe with a nice red sauce over zoodles.

Huge hugs to all,



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