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Life after

The Big Event happened.

Three days ago, after much anticipation, countless checklists, a multitude of fine baby girl got married.

We cooked, we served, we mingled, we primped and prepared, we embraced the whirlwind of activity surrounding the Day.

There was hair doing, makeup applying, dress steaming, adjusting, perfuming, perfecting.

Along the way were moments...of extreme awareness, high emotion, gratitude, joy...the Day was intense. And something I am reliving in the days beyond.

It was perfect.

All of it.

The weather, which had threatened to disrupt things right around ceremony time, calmed. Threatening clouds uttered final thunder rumbles, then softly dissipated over the mountain, almost like an invisible force field/protective bubble was around the venue. The clouds made it cooler than it could have been/should have been, and for that we were grateful. The lighting was perfect..magical, in many ways, and allowed for some gorgeous photos to be taken.

The venue, well, was so very New Mexican in feel that it set the stage beautifully. Set on the side of a mountain with 270 degree views, it perched majestically and provided the ideal setting for the evening of celebration.

The ceremony...brought tears to absolutely everyone at some point - nobody was spared the magnitude of emotion that coursed through.

The Bride..was gorgeous, serene, happy. Accompanied by her Daddy down the aisle, she glowed that special glow reserved for just that moment, a moment she'd been anticipating and for which she'd been preparing for almost two years.

The Groom, handsome and stylish in a bespoke suit...cried. When his mother kissed him as she sat down in her seat. When his Bride appeared in all her splendor and walked toward him with an enormous grin on her face. When vows were shared.  He reveled in the emotion, and clearly embraced the moment. He was present. Very.

The ceremony...was lovely. Short, poignant, officiated by a dear family friend. Vows were spoken, rings exchanged, all sealed with a kiss.

Photo time was fun. Lots of combinations of family/friends. Can't wait to see those shots...

The caterers..did well. Food was yummy, modern, healthy, fun to enjoy.

Dancing, drinking, celebrating went on until all hours.

We hosted a brunch the next morning. Our friends and family made it all possible. There was much fussing, cooking, displaying, blowing up of balloons, prepping. And it came off without a hitch. The all day format brought a huge first wave of visitors followed by several smaller ones that lasted until deep into the night.

And then it was done.

Bride and Groom are in Mexico, reflecting, enjoying the warm water and sun, and generally trying to relax after all the buildup, after the Event.

In spite of incredibly complicated logistics, many many moving parts and untold visits to the store to 'pick up just one more necessary item', all went well.  The only casualty so far has been my favorite Yeti mug. It's gone missing. Which sucks.  I love that turquoise mug that protects my java or tea from cooling for many many hours...which is often how long it takes to drink once I get to clinic.

Now we regroup and settle into New Normal, yes?

Enormous hugs,



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