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A Westchestah Gahden Pahty

..and marathon croquet match.

That's how my offspring spent their Saturday evening. Wearing ridiculously glamorous clothes (hers were white, with a lovely hat to match; his were ridiculously film noir ala Woody Allen glam), sipping ridiculously glamorous beverages and rubbing elbows with impossibly glamorous others.

They spent the day shopping vintage stores in Manhattan, found very cool outfits, then took a train north to the pahty.

They had a ball. They looked...amazing.

The Western sibs that took New Yahk by storm?

In the West, we (empty) nested. And spent time with old friends. The friends we knew before we were a married couple. The friends whose wedding we attended, and the first we invited to ours. The friends who were there when I came down with what we thought was bronchitis, but turned out to be early mommyitis. Special friends. Old friends. Good friends. The kind that have known us forever, and we them, and we're closer than ever. Which is saying something since we've both raised our families and dealt with all that entails.

This weekend was Grandma Gin's birthday, which we celebrated by having her over for quiche l'orraine yesterday ...and after which she and I shopped...for a new purse for her at REI...what can I say, even at 91 that lady's still a sassy, springy gal.

And last night...went to a work function at a baseball game. So fun...all of us relaxed and eating baseball food and drinking baseball beer and watching a ginormous storm move across the city, a storm that eventually stopped the game...and flooded the city in many places and took out traffic lights and generally wreaked havoc. A storm which overfilled our pond, and necessitated a late-night bailout to prevent goldfish from floating away...

All is well today, and JL is in town which is awe.some. We're working and all that, but we're going to fit in a nice dinner we can catch up and just 'be'...on the patio, listening to the sounds of the birds and the pond and the fountain..while sipping our favorite wine and enjoying the evening.

That's all I have for now. But there will be more.


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