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Cleaning up a Diet Coke explosion? Bring a fire hose.

So, when we were stockpiling for the recent graduation gala event, we bought a lot of stuff. Food, of course, party supplies, decorations, plates, cups, etc. And lots and lots of beverages.

We keep an extra 'frig in our garage for just this purpose. We store our annual green chili crop in the freezer part, and use the refrig for chilled beer and martini glasses, and a supply of cold beverages. It's kind of old fashioned, but it works for us.

Anyway, I decided, upon observing the very very stuffed nature of the 'frig prior to the party, that turning the temp down was a very good idea. To chill all that liquid. Before the party. Which it did.

But in the post-party cleanup/emotional letdown/exhaustion, I forgot to return the 'frig to the normal setting. Which made the Diet Cokes on the top shelf get very very cold. So cold, in fact, that they froze. And expanded, which liquid tends to do when it's frozen.

They got so cold, they exploded. Two of them. All over the inside of the 'frig. Everywhere.

Son, ever the practical one, adjusted the temperature to where it should be. But didn't take on the cleanup task, claiming whatever moron had overchilled the 'frig should have to mop up that half frozen sticky mess as a lesson.

I hate being that moron.

But mostly, I regret having to spend a half hour this morning cleaning out that stupid refrigerator. I don't even LIKE Diet Coke, in fact, I think it's toxic and that nobody should drink it. But that's a personal opinion and not the reason for this post.

Honestly, though, the whole cleanup would have gone a LOT faster if I just had a fire hose. One good pass from top to bottom and all the nasty residue would have whooshed out of that 'frig, the remaining beverages in there would have been sparkly clean, and I would have had another 25 minutes to relax and wake up and read the paper.


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