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Feeling pretty grumpy about this whole flu thing. Really.

To say I'm extremely healthy would be an understatement. I am blessed with strong genes, which means, naturally, that I take my wellness for granted.

But not now.

For the last five days my life has revolved around trying to get comfortable enough to not want to crawl out of my own skin. The aches, the low grade (but fucking persistent) fever, the mucous...good lord don't get me started on the number of kleenexes that have given their lives so my nose can be dry for about fourteen seconds - all of these things are part of this year's flu virus, and I'm not happy to be experiencing ANY of them thankyouverymuch.

Things that have helped so far include several Chinese herbal formulas that are working at a deep level to rally my immune system to kick this goddamned virus' ass, Advil (I broke down..I tried for the first few days to just do herbs and they weren't enough. I figured if, in ancient China, someone had the flu and had Advil and didn't take it, they'd be considered an idiot, so there you have it), sleep (an ungodly amount of rest is required to just get through the day with this bug), tea, tea with lemon, tea with lemon and honey, fresh ginger tea, and, the occasional hot toddy.

Hell's yes I will have one of those bad boys in the evening! I have a new recipe, one that incorporates Jim Beam Fire, a cinnamon licquer infused whisky, and wowza is that delicious! My recipe, then is juice of one lemon, about a tablespoon of raw honey, a generous shot of Jim Beam Fire (ahem), and hot water. Um.

Anyway, I will no longer take for granted how well I usually am. Once I get to the other side of this stupid chill, ache and mucous inducing virus, I am going to say a little prayer of thanks every morning for being such a strong human being. (Thank you good genes!)

In the meantime I plan to whine a little, sleep as much as possible, do what helps, and mostly endure this onslaught.

Now, it's time for a nap.




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