As of today, I've written 475 posts. Some happy, some sad, some introspective, some silly. But dang, that's pretty cool. I surprised myself. A theme that seems to emerge this time every year is the 'gotta slim down now' theme. Not surprising, given the indulgencefest that has characterized the eating road since Thanksgiving. Guess what? It's time. Again. To slim down. Motivation? Health of course. Also we have wedding related events scheduled beginning in April, and I'd rather feel lean(er) and mean(er) than sluggish and puffy. My plan? Hitting the Plant Paradox approach hard. Reduce alcohol. (Notice I said reduce not quit? S'rsly people, I know myself, and would rather set a goal I know I can mostly keep.) Get more active, more regularly. You know, the normal stuff. But it's time. Tomorrow I'm headed to the community gym to purchase my 2019 membership. When it's too cold to go out for a nice, long walk I'll head over there an